People are Excited to See Me

I recently celebrated my 2-month anniversary here at Parent Possible. After reaching such a milestone I found myself reflecting on the past several weeks. One theme stood out: People are really excited to see me.

In my new position, I get to travel around the state and talk about children’s brain development. And I’ve yet to run across an individual who doesn’t care about children, brains, or even children’s brains. In my first few weeks I’ve found people and organizations that are passionate about their communities. Each presentation about Vroom inevitably leads to audience members recommending five or six other organizations that I need to meet.

I haven’t yet met Kathy Kennedy in-person, but we’ve shared many emails and phone calls. Kathy works with First Steps PAT in Fremont County and heard a presentation about Vroom about a month before I started. She called me within my first few days on the job to let me know that they’re ready to go with their Vroom implementation and that she had also talked to the Royal Gorge Bridge folks, City Market, the Museum of Colorado Prisons and about six other organizations and they’re also all very interested in Vroom. And lastly she asked for more Vroom sample materials. She had more visits to make. I love it.

I get to head down to visit Kathy and the Fremont County community in mid-February and I feel like a rock star. We’ve planned two days of presentations and Kathy has me scheduled to speak to nearly every resident of Canon City and Florence about the importance of children’s brain development. The list of potential community partners that I’ll get to meet has grown to include the library, museums, galleries, and even the local pizza place. That’s one of my favorite things about Vroom: It gets people excited. Ok I’ll admit it: That excitement isn’t exactly about seeing me, but I’m happy to ride along on the Vroom coattails!

I look forward to sharing stories of my travels around the state and, more importantly, how our community partners are working to make sure parents and caregivers recognize the power they have to promote brain development in their children. Check for updates here on our website or feel free to send me a note!

-Andy Lubansky, Vroom Program Director 
