Know Your Rights

Know your rights resources (other languages)

Amharic; Chinese; Creole(Haitian); Farsi; Hebrew; Hindi; Indonesian; Khmer; Korean; Portuguese; Somali; Tagalog; Thai; Tigrinya; Urdu; Vietnamese; and Yoruba

Family Preparedness Packet (click to download)
(from Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition) This packet includes a helpful checklist.

Printable “Red Cards”

to enable immigrants to assert their rights if ICE comes to their home. (from Immigrant Legal Resource Center)
Print your own Red Card in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Pashto, Arabic, Russian. Other languages available on the site, as well.

Resources for Talking with Children

How to talk with children about deportation or separation (from National Child Trauma Stress Network)
How to talk with children about immigration status (shared by Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition) 
Resources to support young children who have experienced separation and trauma (from Zero to Three)

What to do if you are stopped or arrested by immigration
(from National Immigrant Law Center)

What to do if ICE comes to your workplace
(from National Immigration Law Center)

Find free or low-cost immigration legal services
(from Immigration Advocates)

Additional Resources

Colorado Specific Information (from Colorado Immigration Resource Coalition)

Info about the change to the protected areas (safe spaces) policy (from National Immigration Law Center)

Know your rights videos

We have rights: When ICE is outside our door

EnglishSpanish | Urdu | Arabic | Haitian Creole | Russian | Mandarin

We have rights: Inside our homes

English | Spanish | Urdu |Arabic | Haitian Creole | Russian | Mandarin

We have rights: In our Community

English | Spanish | Urdu |Arabic | Haitian Creole | Russian | Mandarin

We have rights: If ICE arrests us

English | Spanish | Urdu |Arabic | Haitian Creole | Russian | Mandarin
