Parents as Teachers

Teachers from day one.

Parents as Teachers (PAT) is an evidence-based home visiting model that promotes the optimal early development, learning and health of children by supporting and engaging their parents and caregivers. The PAT mission is to promote the optimal early development, learning, and health of children by supporting and engaging their parents and caregivers.

PAT empowers parents as their child’s first teacher, working with families from pregnancy through kindergarten. PAT services can be offered in various types of organizations, including but not limited to family resource centers, early childhood councils, non-profit organizations, school districts, and family literacy programs.

Our home visiting professionals meet families where they are comfortable,
typically in their home. A rigorous training, a robust curriculum and ongoing implementation support, guide our home visiting professionals who work with families.


The PAT affiliate model is designed to achieve seven primary goals:

  • Increase parent knowledge of early childhood development and improve
    parenting practices
  • Provide early detection of developmental delays and connection to services
  • Improve parent, child, and family health and well-being
  • Prevent child abuse and neglect
  • Increase children’s school readiness and school success
  • Improve family economic well-being
  • Strengthen community capacity and connectedness

PAT in 2022-23






kids served



Model components

The PAT affiliate model has four dynamic components that together create a cohesive package of services for families with young children:


  • Personal Visits: certified parent educators work with families to support parent-child interaction, developmental-centered parenting, and family well-being. Parent educators tailor the work with the family to the specific needs of the child, the challenges facing the parents and the family context. Parents choose the location of visits that best fits their needs. This is often the family home, but also includes parks library, or virtually through a video conferencing platform like Zoom.
  • Group Connections: Social support is offered through group meetings. Families observe their children in a social setting and support their child’s development while building parenting skills.
  • Child Screenings: Developmental and health screenings are conducted to support early detection of delays or concerns for children. Screenings includes hearing, vision, dental, and safety. Screenings help parent educators tailor services based on the child’s individual needs.
  • Resource Network: Parent educators connect families to local resources like housing vouchers, food, mental health services, early intervention, or other services.

Parents as Teachers Blue Ribbon Affiliates

The Parents as Teachers Quality Endorsement and Improvement Process helps ensure that Parents as Teachers affiliates are achieving fidelity to the Parents as Teachers model and facilitates continuous quality improvement.

Being named a Blue Ribbon Affiliate means these sites are nationally-recognized leaders in the home visitation and parent education field and among the very top programs implementing the evidence-based Parents as Teachers model with fidelity and quality.

To earn the designation, programs engage in a rigorous self-study and review process from the National Center. Those earning Blue Ribbon status are truly exemplary programs, delivering highest quality services to children and families.

Colorado PAT affiliates that have earned this distinction:

Adult and Family Education
Arapahoe County Early Childhood Council
Bright Futures for Early Childhood & Families
Catholic Charities of Southern Colorado
Community Partnership Family Resource Center
Delta Family Center
Family Star Montessori
Focus Points Family Resource Center


Growing Home
Hilltop Family Resource Center
House of Neighborly Service
La Plata Family Centers Coalition
Metropolitan State University of Denver 
Roots Family Center
Shiloh House
Tri-County Family Care Center


Learn More

If you are a parent or guardian interested in learning more about PAT for your family visit PAT for Parents, or contact Indira Galaviz at
If you are an agency or organization interested in learning more about becoming a PAT affiliate program visit Becoming a PAT site or contact Michele Provost at

Key PAT Resources

Program Reports

2023 Program Report - PAT

2022 Program Report - PAT

State Snapshots

PAT 2022-23 State Snapshot

PAT 2021-2022 State Snapshot

PAT 2020-21 State Snapshot

PAT 2019-20 State Snapshot

PAT 2018-19 State Snapshot

Other Resources

PAT Logic Model
