Parent Possible 2023-2024 Annual Report

The 2023-2024 Parent Possible Annual Report documents our incredible work. From the thousands of children served by Parents as Teachers and HIPPY, to the new Vroom partnerships, and our inspiring conference - the Annual Report documents impact of Parent Possible. Click here to read the 2023-2024...

Celebrating the Impact of HIPPY & PAT!

We’re excited to share the 2023-2024 Snapshot Report for HIPPY and PAT, highlighting the incredible progress made in supporting families and preparing children for school. This year, parents have gained confidence, children have made strides in school readiness, and family interactions have become...

Check out the 2022-23 Annual Report

The 2022-2023 Parent Possible Annual Report tells the story of a year's worth of incredible work. From the thousands of children served by Parents as Teachers and HIPPY to new Vroom partners and installations to our economic mobility work, the report documents the impact and reach of Parent...

Parent Possible Conference Highlights

Relive the incredible 2023 Parent Possible Home Visiting Conference with this highlight video. The conference brought together hundreds of home visitors and early childhood professionals from across the state and across the nation. The conference featured more than 50 sessions on a range of topics...

PAT and HIPPY Program Reports Released

Parent Possible has published the 2021-22 Program Reports for both Parents as Teachers and HIPPY. The reports offer a clear picture of the reach, impact and importance of these critical home visiting programs in Colorado. The reports include maps of coverage, demographic data on program...

HIPPY Home Visitor interviewed on EDUCA radio

Entrevista con Mayra Ayala, Educadora en Focus Points y María Guadalupe Alire, madre de familia Mayra Ayala, Educadora del Centro de Recursos Familiares de Focus Points, una organización sin fines de lucro y María Guadalupe Alire, madre de familia, nos brindan valiosa información sobre la...
