Op-Ed Parents: The First and Most Important Teachers

Ida Rhodes and John Brainard of Catholic Charities of Southern Colorado wrote an opinion piece for the Pueblo Chieftain about the importance of home visiting. They argue, "for a stronger future, we must increase the investment in families by expanding access to these parent support programs...

Parents are the most important teachers – OpEd

Help parents become the best teachers their children will ever haveSenator Rhonda Fields, a long-time champion of home visiting, and Constance Gully, President of Parents as Teachers, teamed up to author an opinion piece for the Colorado Sun about the essential role of parents in early childhood...

Vroom Installation Gets a Refresh

On Tuesday at the #PATCON22 Collective Impact Reception we unveiled our refreshed Vroom installation at the Children's Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus, created by the Bezos Family Foundation and our friends at the Museum. On your next visit you’ll see Vroom activities everywhere you look! In...

HIPPY with a “Y”

HIPPY with a "Y" - that's us! Hippy with a "Y" - that's us! Check out this great video to learn more about the JeffCo Public Schools HIPPY program. We are constantly impressed by the great work that our sites do in their communities. Many thanks to Your Hub at The Denver Post for publishing this...

New Year, New Finances!

At the start of each year we might take stock of our lives and consider setting a New Year's Resolution. There seems to be something so emotionally resonant about a fresh start and turning over a new leaf…eating less, exercising more. But what next? What is less and how much is more? Seems like we...

Tis the Season to be…Mindful!

The older we get the more difficult it becomes to rekindle the childlike excitement of the season. Our “to do” lists become longer with cards to write, presents to buy, relatives to entertain…not to mention projects at work waiting to be finished before year-end. It can be very easy to get...

Parent Possible Art & Stories Contest 2017

Parent Possible recently held our annual Art & Stories Contest with PAT and HIPPY families across Colorado. We asked kids to create artwork showing us their superpowers, and parents to tell us how involvement in the PAT and HIPPY programs has empowered their family. Below are some examples of...
